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ATTSU Latest News


Dear customers, suppliers and partners,


ATTSU aims to reinforce our commitment for support to our customers, suppliers and partners in this difficult and uncertain moments in which many countries are experiencing emergency situations.

ATTSU priorises safety and people’s health, as well as providing service to our customers, especially those related to the Health emergency.

We have activated a swift and dynamic operational model which will work according to up-to-date upcoming needs and circumstances.

At this moment, following measures have been applied:

  • All workplaces where possible (sales, accounting, engineering, R&D departments, etc.) are performing teleworking, and are working on customer service and dealing with suppliers at maximum efficiency level enabled under these circumstances.
  • We keep our production capacity and have adapted all required measures according to Health authorities.
  • We keep After-sales service: spare parts delivery, breakdowns, equipment inspections, etc., will be undertaken the same way as prior to this pandemic, prioritising urgent cases.
  • We have available a wide range of spare parts on stock which enables us to provide a fine service under these circumstances.
  • We adapt our after-sales interventions, according to our customers Covid-19 protocols.
  • We have increased cleaning and disinfecting frequency, and have disposed new spaces to comply with minimum 2-3 metres of safety distance between employees. We follow at all times Governement directives against Covid-19.
  • We will have special attention for new orders of urgent needs involved in minimising transmission impact, machines for hospitals, hospital laundries, food industry and health product manufacturers, as well as other segments essential for this fight against Covid-19.

Of course, these measures will evolve according to Spanish Government measures and now more than ever we believe it is necessary to keep a fluid communication within the commercial and service network in order to ensure the best service to our customers.

In moments like these are when ATTSU’s commitment and culture is proved:  customer-oriented, our innovation capacity and reaction against difficulties.

We count on each and everyone of you to fight against this adverse circumstances we are living, and do not hesitate to contact us by email, through your usual sales or purchasing contact person for information about order prioritisation of equipment to be delivered.

We are sure that we will learn from this crisis and will continue reinforcing our relationship facing the uncertain prospects.

We will overcome this more powerful joining all our efforts.

Yours faithfully,



ATTSU Group Managing Board


Eugenio Arcones

Vicente Llácer

Francesc Johé


