What are the new provisions in the New Spanish Pressure Equipment Regulation (Royal Decree 809/2021)?

Any renewal of the legislation governing pressure equipment is always important, due to its implications for the manufacture and installation of industrial steam boilers. The new Regulation which comes into force in Spain in January 2022 contains provisions for manufacturers and for owners and users of these industrial installations.

It is very important to knowing how old the industrial steam boiler installations in your factory are, because the new legislation affects new and existing boilers differently.

Article 9 of the new Regulation refers to the obligations of users of pressure equipment and facilities, and Annex I covers companies responsible for installing and repairing pressure equipment, as ATTSU has been doing for a long time with the boilers it manufactures, in its provision of long-term after-sales service.

The expert professional team at ATTSU can answer any questions and queries about how these legislative developments affect the industrial steam boiler installations that it carries out.
