
Steam for Hospitality services

The steam from our ATTSU boilers has a wide range of applications in the hospitality sector. These include supplying hot water and central heating systems or sauna systems in spa areas.

Being a quick and efficient heat source, industrial steam allows for working with large volumes and catering to services such as general cleaning and laundry, as well as the heavy use of bathrooms and showers. In large hotels with high demand, steam is commonly used to heat rooms and communal spaces, distributing it through a network of pipes and radiators. This allows for precise temperature control on a room-by-room basis.

In the catering section, steam is commonly used for cooking, sterilizing utensils, cleaning surfaces, or powering industrial dishwashers. Some hotels that require a high energy consumption also employ industrial boilers to generate high-pressure steam. This steam, conducted through turbines, provides some of the electricity with the aim of reducing the business's resource costs.

Another area in the hospitality sector for which ATTSU manufactures its boilers is saunas. The generated steam is stored and channeled to the hotel's spa and wellness area so that, when released into the atmosphere, it creates a warm and relaxing ambiance. The control of temperature and humidity must be very precise in these cases, following guests' preferences and, of course, all safety standards.

Please inquire if you would like to know more about ATTSU boilers used in hotels and other types of tourist establishments.

Recommended products

Our steam boilers more frequently chosen by our customers from this industry are the following: 


Natural gas, LPG, Light oil, Heavy oil & Biogas

The H boiler is a steam boiler that is horizontal, fire-tube with three passes and steam chamber. The chamber is completely cooled by boiler water.


Natural gas, LPG, Light oil, Heavy oil & Biogas

Three passes horizontal fire-tube with reverse flame steam boiler. The chamber is completely cooled by boiler water.


Natural gas, Light oil, Heavy oil & Biogas

The boiler S is a horizontal hot water boiler, firetube, three pass boiler with reverse flame or three passes wet back and smoke chamber completely cooled by the water in the boiler.
